What is a root canal?
Frequently used to prevent tooth extraction, a root canal treatment, also called endodontic treatment, is an operation that involves removing the pulp tissue or nerve from the tooth that is either: infected, damaged or necrotic.
When is a root canal necessary?
This procedure is usually used when the tooth pulp is damaged by a deep decay, accident, crack or faulty filling. Bacteria infiltrate through these entrance gates and reach the nerve and contaminate it. This can cause pain, inflammation or a tooth abscess.
Failure to treat an abscess or infection can lead to more severe oral problems. It is therefore important to consult your Montreal dentist as soon as possible.
What are the signs of an infected tooth or tooth abscess?
Our Montreal dentist will do a quick exam and take an X-ray to confirm the diagnosis and determine if a root canal is the option for you.
The advantages of a root canal
In addition to preserving your tooth, root canal treatment is an effective intervention that provides several benefits:
How is a root canal in Montreal treated?
When performing an endodontic procedure, the dentist performs a series of steps to ensure that the operation does not cause pain.
The type of restoration will depend on the degree of yellowing and / or strength of what remains of the treated tooth. A posterior tooth will probably receive a crown since many great forces are exerted on these teeth during chewing. If there is not enough of the natural tooth, you will need a root canal to help hold the crown in place. A discolored anterior tooth may be either bleached or covered with a crown or facet.
In conclusion, the success rate of the root canal, Montreal, is high. It is therefore essential to take care of a broken tooth and consult your Montreal Dentist in time at the signs of an infection or dental abscess to ensure an optimal success rate of the root canal and save the tooth. Do not hesitate and schedule an appointment with your dentist at the slightest concern.
514 504 - 3368
Walking Distance From Concordia and McGill Universities, as well as many other colleges
Walking Distance From Concordia and McGill Universities, as well as many other colleges